(coronavirus) Pakistan Braces for a “more lethal” Second Wave


coronavirus pakistan braces for a more lethal second wave

Pakistan is facing a second coronavirus wave; with authorities urging the public to follow health guidelines. But experts say both the government and people are still not taking the pandemic seriously. S Khan reports. On October 29; Pakistan reported over 1,000 coronavirus cases - the first time since July; when it got the pandemic pretty much under control. In the last six days, the South Asian country has registered around 12,000 cases; bringing the total COVID-19 infections to 365,927 and 7,248 related deaths. Health experts say the country is in the grip of a second coronavirus wave, which could prove to be more lethal than the first wave. Prime Minister Imran Khan's government imposed a partial COVID-19 lockdown in March to contain the virus spread. However; the restrictions were lax; and most people did not follow the health guidelines. Large gatherings - both religious and political - resumed in July; with most people believing the pandemic was over.


Election Rallies in Giglit-Baltistan largely violated social distancing measures

Large gatherings

Mass rallies and congregations have continued to take place in Pakistan since the start of the pandemic. Their numbers and frequency have increased in the past few weeks, especially with opposition parties holding massive anti-government rallies in different cities, hoping to topple PM Khan's government. Last week; the northern Gilgit - Baltistan region held elections for its legislative assembly, which involved huge political rallies and door-to-door canvassing. Religious congregations, including Friday prayers and mosque sermons, continue across the  country, with little or no regard for the coronavirus restrictions. It is important to note that two large-scale religious events in March had led to a sharp spike in coronavirus cases at the start of the pandemic in the Muslim-majority country. Winter is usually a wedding season in Pakistan, and although the government has imposed a ban on large-scale weddings; it is likely that indoor wedding events would continue to take place amid the second pandemic wave. "Large gatherings are making the virus transmission easier. I am not only talking about coronavirus; even the flu cases are rising. If a patient; who is already infected with other viruses, catches coronavirus, his survival chances are very low. That is why this second coronavirus wave is more dangerous; more lethal;’ Tipu Sultan, former president of the Pakistan Medical Association; told DW. Imran Bhatti, a spokesman for the Young Doctors Association, says that most Pakistanis were afraid of the first coronavirus wave. ‘Now they believe they have achieved a herd immunity; which; of course, is wrong;’ he told DW; adding that people are doing things as if the virus doesn't exist.

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